Home Solid State Drives cannot be securely erased? Who cares?

Solid State Drives cannot be securely erased? Who cares?

With my recent purchase of a MacBook Air I’ve recently become quite enamored with Solid State Drives (SSD). The speed and silence is downright intoxicating, and prices are coming down fast (though still nowhere near parity with traditional hard drives.) One downside is that SSDs can be very difficult to erase in a way that can’t be easily recovered. A security resarch firm recently tested several popular “secure erase” tools which perform multiple overwrites, and were in almost all cases able to recover the data. (Note that, in addition to SSD drives, this applies to non-volitile flash memory like the thumb drive on your key chain.)

My question is this: Who cares?

With tools like BitLocker in Windows 7, and the excellent open source TrueCrypt, there’s no reason for these drives to include unencrypted data. Ever. Anyone who is concerned enough about the security of their data to want to perform a secure erase should be using tools like this to secure their data. If you need to perform a secure erase you’re doing it wrong. 

If the data is encrypted (and the algorithm and key used for encryption is cryptographically sound) then you don’t care if data is securely erased or not. I’m perfectly comfortable donating old PCs to charity or selling them via services likeGazelle without first erasing the drive because I know none of my hard drives contain any unencrypted data.

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